Our Commitment

Box Commitment

Towards inclusion

"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization".

These words, spoken by Mahatma Gandhi - a man who made civil rights and freedom the mission of his life -, contain the essence of what it means to value diversity and promote inclusion in our society. On one hand, the beauty of increasingly global civilization is made up of a mixture of ideas and cultures, where everyone can express their potentialities by contributing to their experience. On the other hand, the idea of a challenge in which not only institutions and citizens, but also companies are called to reaffirm these principles within our society.

It is precisely by sharing this vision and these values that today We are honoured to present the Angelini Pharma’s Manifesto for Diversity and Inclusion.


Global Diversity and Inclusion Manifesto

We feel valued just as we are

At Angelini Pharma we benefit greatly from the diversity of our people and their willingness to work together and share their life experiences and goals. As we care for our people as much as we do for our patients, we recognise that promoting and managing diversity is crucial for pursuing our goals, in accordance with our Values and Core Behaviours.

With this in mind, Angelini Pharma rejects all forms of discrimination and undertakes to foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and engaged, accepted, included, and valued just as they are.

This Manifesto sets out our approach to inclusion and diversity in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination at work and to promote, disseminate and implement principles and guidelines which are inclusive of all expressions of diversity such as, but not limited to, age, disability or state of health, gender, sex and sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, race (including ethnicity, nationality, or colour), political opinions, religious beliefs, cultural heritage, socio-economic status and any other personal characteristics.

As a global company with direct operations in 20 countries, our integrity, success and ability to innovate are strongly linked to the multiple talents and experiences that derive from our multicultural working environment.

The management and employees at all levels are responsible for creating an inclusive environment in which all individuals – with their distinctive skills, experiences and perspectives – are able to work together to create a diverse culture. When properly managed, diversity is a real opportunity for significant cultural change and enrichment.
As such, our main goal in the area of D&I is to be an Employer of Choice which attracts and retains talent that is able to improve our company. Our aim is to create an empowering working environment that guarantees real inclusion and equal opportunities and enables people to fulfil their professional potential, drawing on the diversity and passion of our workforce.

Embracing different perspectives and leveraging on the contributions of all employees not only facilitates inclusiveness, but it also enhances our ability to become a leading international company.

It is vital that all Angeliners feel included and have the confidence and courage to speak their minds and share their ideas, proposing innovative solutions and inspiring our next breakthroughs.

Diversity & Inclusion strategies also underpin our efforts to be recognised as a Partner of Choice, pursuing ethics and social responsibility in our daily working lives.

With the aim of fostering an inclusive organization, Angelini Pharma adopts this Manifesto that applies across the company.

Click here to download our Manifesto