From Now ON: charting a different course in epilepsy care

The Angelini Pharma’s first international standalone event on epilepsy entirely dedicated to HCPs
Brain health is a global health priority with mental and neurological disorders added to the list of most impactful non-communicable diseases by leading health organizations and experts. At the end of 2023, Angelini Pharma renewed its commitment to reduce the burden of neurological disorders with an international event dedicated to epilepsy and its treatment.
“From Now ON: charting a different course in epilepsy care” is the first Angelini Pharma’s stand-alone aimed to provide updated evidence on anti-seizures medications (ASMs) by involving a faculty of internationally acknowledged experts in the field of epilepsy. This event, held on 28 and 29 November in Milan, was physically joined by 83 guests and 15 speakers from 15 European countries, with a live streaming broadcast on a dedicated platform.
“From Now ON: charting a different course in epilepsy care” is not only the title, but also the main objective of this 2-day event, in which new perspectives and mindsets in epilepsy treatment were discussed thanks to engaging formats, which range from lectures to round tables and social corners, aimed at promoting a broad sharing of knowledge and information among participants. A pan-European exchange of clinical best practices was therefore promoted to increase confidence and knowledge on aspects of clinical management of epilepsy.
All of this was made possible thanks to the collaboration of a Steering Committee including international experts: Paul Boon, Pavel Klein, Ley Sander, Bernhard Steinhoff, Vicente Villanueva and Rafal Kaminski. An invaluable contribution also came from the Faculty Members: Cecilia Adelöw, Angel Aledo, Pablo Cabezudo, Norman Delanty, Patrick House, Simona Lattanzi, Bettina Schmitz, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage and Shona Scott. Noteworthy was also the moderation of Andrea Grignolio, science communicator and scientific Journalist.

Paul Boon, Ghent University Hospital.
Brain health defines a state in which every individual can realize their own abilities and optimize their cognitive, emotional, psychological, and behavioral functioning to cope with life situations. Neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, pose a constant threat to brain health and, consequently, the patients' ability to live a normal and fulfilling life. It is thus an imperative to act early to preserve and protect this vital asset, preventing its deterioration to bring a real neurological revolution.

Pavel Klein, George Washington University, Washington, US.
Uncontrolled epilepsy ruins patients’ lives: loss of job, independence, relationships, risk of depression, cognitive decline, the constant fear of a seizure, injury and risk of early death. We must do everything we can to treat it and try to get patients become seizure free.

Bettina Schmitz, Vivantes-Humboldt-Klinikum Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH, Berlin.
Epilepsy is a highly traumatic diagnosis that affects all aspects of life, often associated with feelings of loss and stigma and a much higher incidence of psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies. These, together with the high incidence of comorbidities and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), make epilepsy one of the most alarming neurological disease for the healthcare system, whose early and effective control should be mandatory and highly prioritary.
This great event is only one of the starting points of Angelini Pharma’s journey in Brain Health and in epilepsy. Great new projects are coming in 2024 and in the years to come. Stay tuned!