European Researchers Night. “A world without research is a world without knowledge”

Angelini Pharma celebrates the event through the words of its researchers
“Research is curiosity, innovation, patience, and discovery. A world without research is a world without knowledge”. Paola Lipone and Valeria Tellone, Senior Study Managers at Angelini Pharma, summarize what research means for them and for the pharmaceutical multinational company, on the occasion of the European Researchers' Night which takes place in 25 countries on Friday 30 September 2022.
With over than 50 years of expertise from the discovery of new molecules to the registration of new drugs, Angelini Pharma has always recognized Research & Development as the main driver for innovation and sustainability.
“Angelini Research is understanding human needs, developing new solutions, caring for people. Research is nourishment for the mind”, explain Patrizia Dragone, Bioanalytical Study Manager, and Vanessa Petrucci, Pharmacokinetics Researcher.
The pharmaceutical multinational company celebrates the European Researchers Night through the words of its researchers, to bring them, and the research itself, closer to the public and showcase the impact of their work on people’s daily lives.
Indeed, although scientific research is often perceived as a distant, extremely complex and time-consuming process that is conducted in the sophisticated and remote reality of laboratories, it actually impacts our lives and society more than we can see or imagine, especially in today’s more and more advanced and complex world. And in this context, researchers have a difficult but fundamental role: not to find always new answers, but to be able to continually raise new questions, with curiosity and a critical eye. This approach is the engine of progress, and it is this approach that we need to promote and spread, now more than ever. As Graziella Bovi, Medical & Clinical Operations Specialist, said: “Research is… open your mind and asking questions, having ideas while thinking in unusual ways, being persistent and not giving up, and... having fun while doing all this”.
The European-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways, has been attracting more than 1 million visitors in Europe and beyond every year, increasing the interest of young people in science and research career.
Vanessa Petrucci, Patrizia Dragone, Graziella Bovi, Paola Lipone, Valeria Tellone.