#50MILLIONSTEPS for Epilepsy: Angelini Pharma surpasses 6 million steps

Angelini Pharma's initiative to participate, for the second year running, in the #50MILLIONSTEPS challenge organised by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) ends today, coinciding with International Epilepsy Day.
The aim of the challenge, held annually, is to collect 50 million steps, one for each person living with epilepsy worldwide, in order to raise awareness about this condition and combat stigma. To help achieve this goal, Angelini Pharma has donated over 6 million steps, collected through the joint effort of its Angeliners, the people of Angelini, who walked and exercised to increase awareness about epilepsy and stand by those affected, amplifying their voices step by step.
Angelini Pharma's participation in the #50MILLIONSTEPS challenge is part of a broader commitment by the company in the fight against epilepsy, a condition affecting fifty million people worldwide, representing the sixth leading cause of mortality among neurological diseases. Since entering the epilepsy sector in 2021, Angelini Pharma has adopted a listening posture towards people living with the disease, with the aim of raising awareness and contributing to eliminating prejudice. Visit the dedicated section to learn more about Angelini Pharma's commitment in this area.