Angelini Pharma launches a new crowd-sourcing challenge in epilepsy

Angelini Pharma, in partnership with Wazoku, is launching a new crowdsourcing campaign to identify new innovative Drug Delivery Systems (DDS) and Treatments Approaches to significantly improve the lives of people with epilepsy, especially elderly and pediatric patients.
Identifying new options to increase adherence is vital to the epilepsy community. While current epilepsy treatment options include approximately 30 antiseizure medications (ASMs) available in various pharmaceutical forms, there are limitations in terms of adherence and general management related to specific unmet needs such as age, comorbid conditions, and safety concerns.
“Approximately one third of people living with epilepsy face difficulties with anti-seizure medicine adherence and this is particularly challenging for elderly and pediatric populations. Non-adherence can result in several serious consequences, including breakthrough seizures” said Rafal Kaminski, Chief Scientific Officer, Angelini Pharma. “This low adherence underscores the urgent need for more effective treatments that can better address the diverse needs of patients with epilepsy”.
The challenge is the second partnership between Angelini Pharma and innovation scale-up Wazoku and will be online for 60 days.
At least 1 Cash prize of $25,000 will be available, based on theoretical evaluation of the proposals received.
Find out more about Challenge #2, prizes and eligibility criteria here.